The JJs List Blog

Glencoe Illinois School District Gets Disability Awareness Educated

When the JJ’s Disability Awareness Players trained Glencoe Schools in Glencoe, IL. to be disability aware, they were helping teachers, administrators and teachers assistants build the knowledge they want and need to educate future generations in how to communicate comfortably and confidently with people…

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“It Opened My Eyes.”

Municipal Employees get Trained

Officer in training

Asked how a Disability Awareness Training would help others in business, employees of the Village of Northfield, IL said the experience would be, “good for first responders,” and “at restaurants and stores for better customer service.”

And they should know because they…

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Be a Voice for Change – Be Like Ed Roberts!

Disability Online at

It’s late January.  Are you still trying to figure out what you are going to do with your 2017?  

Maybe you can take a cue from a famous person with a disability, Ed Roberts, and build your Voice for Change by writing…

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The Art of Disability-Aware Customer Service

The Art Institute of Chicago gets Trained

Disability-aware customer service and the Art Institute of Chicago are like paint and canvas when we think about accessible art museums.  The Grand Dame of Chicago cultural institutions may be a little maze-like in physical accessibility to get into the…

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Join the Disability Awareness Players!

With the New Year comes opportunity for growth and chances for self-improvement, including improving your social skills and educating others on a topic you care about.  Make a change and improve yourself at the same time by becoming a Disability Awareness Player!

Disability Awareness Players…

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An Amazing Box of Opportunity in 2 Minutes!

The “Power” of Change is what it’s all about in this cool video and in our partnership with ComEd through the Energy Force Program.

Two and No Boundaries self-advocates serve as volunteer ComEd Energy Force Ambassadors; they go out into the community and share tips…

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Disability Awareness Players Take to the Stage

Thanks to a  grant from the Reva and David Logan Foundation our Disability Awareness Players went to the Lookingglass Theater in Chicago for another successful Disability Awareness Training. The participants were very engaged and enjoyed the presentation. Here’s what a few of them had to say:

“Thank you…

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Check Out Our New Category!

As many of you know, one of the goals of is to encourage businesses  such as Adler University, Barrington Public Library, Baxter Healthcare, and Brookfield Zoo to become more disability friendly, both towards their customers and employees. And now, we’ve made it even easier…

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Special Open House and Arts Show

Mark your calendar for September 29 from 6:00pm – 8:00pm for Search 360, a special Open House and Visibility Arts Show. is just one of several social enterprise that is part of Search, Inc., a longstanding provider of services to adults with developmental and intellectual…

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No Boundaries Logo

Need Help Finding a Job?

Do you or someone you know have a disability and would like to find a job, but don’t know how? Sign up for our No Boundaries fall session 1! No Boundaries participants learn skills that are necessary for the workplace, such as setting up an email…

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