The JJs List Blog

Interview with Jess F.

 The ComEd Energy Force program is the country’s first program that empowers people with developmental disabilities to teach others about solar options and energy-saving tips. The program began in 2012 with eight nonprofits with which ComEd had established relationships.

At that time, the focus was peer-to-peer…

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Introducing Pam S-B. as our 2023 ComEd Energy Ambassador

Congratulations to Pam S-B. for joining the ComEd Energy Force Ambassador program! Pam will be our 2023 ComEd Energy Ambassador here at Search.

The ComEd Energy Force Ambassador Program teaches the community about energy efficiency and solar options. Events are hosted and attended throughout the year…

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Recognizing National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2022

By Sarah Meyerson, Career Services Coordinator at Search Inc.

Ghosts, Ghouls and Goblins, oh my! October is flying by fast but there’s nothing scary about NDEAM! This month isn’t just about tricks and treats, it’s also when we celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). 

This year’s…

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Meet Sarah Armour, Community Education Assistant!

Meet Sarah Armour! Sarah has been an anchor in on our JJ’s List team for over 10 years in her position as the JJ’s List Business Assistant. She is also a Disability Awareness Player, providing training on disability awareness to businesses and other organizations. We…

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Katy W – Employee of the Month Blog

JJ’s List and Search Inc are so proud of Katy W for reaching her personal goal for 2022 and for being named Employee-of-the-Month!

Katy W

Sarah, Katy’s Job Coach, shared, “From the time of her interview to the present, the Chili’s management team and servers have…

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Career Services’ Stellar Year

By Robert Parkinson, Career Services Program Manager, Search, Inc.

Sarah Meyerson, Coordinator, Career Services

Sometimes it is just plain nice to look back over a year and see good things. The end of this past fiscal year (FY22) is one of those times!

With a recent past of…

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Adrian Asks the Questions: An Interview with Alana K

Adrian D

Typically, Adrian addresses his readers’ questions in his “Ask Adrian Anything” blog series.  But this month, Adrian asked questions of his fellow No Boundaries participant, Alana, to learn about her successful job placement as she surpasses a milestone.  Below is his interview:

Working at a…

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Meet Our New ComEd Energy Force Ambassador, Abby S

The Energy Force Ambassador Program, currently in its 11th year, provides individuals with developmental disabilities the opportunity to work on skills needed for employment and empowers them to teach the public about energy efficiency. We are so excited to introduce Abby S as the new…

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What Inclusion Means to Us

To mark National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month (DDAM), JJ’s List joined Down Syndrome International’s inclusion campaign, a global conversation to empower people around the world to advocate for the full inclusion of all people with disabilities in their communities.

Courtesy of Down Syndrome International

We asked several…

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Embracing Disability in the Workplace: Tips to Make Your Workplace Disability-Inclusive

By Diane Royanto, Guest Blogger

Did you know that more than one billion people live with some form of disability? That’s a lot of potential employees! Unfortunately, many businesses have yet to embrace disability inclusion in their workplace. This is despite the fact that doing so…

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