The JJs List Blog

To Date or Not To Date, That is the Question

Tips for Being Safe on the first date: the fourth and final installment in a series

By Adrian Drower, Ask Adrian Blogger and  No Boundaries participant

All good things must come to an end, and it is now time I take my leave. So here is the…

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Q&A with Abby S.

Adrian D, Abby S, Matt R, and Michaela M

Last month Abby S gave a guided tour of the Search Inc’s  Planet Access Company Warehouse (PAC) – where she works – to her fellow No Boundaries (NB) participants, Matt, Adrian and Michaela and NB Trainer Jenny. Through…

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Who’s Who at No Boundaries

EXTRA, Extra, read all about it!  We have No Boundaries – and we’re going to shout it!  

Courtesy of

Here at No Boundaries we help people with disabilities gain more independence by preparing for employment. Our motto, “train for work, train for life,” means the skills…

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No Boundaries Visits the Visual Comfort Group Warehouse

No Boundaries Participants Matt R and Abby S with Visual Comfort President Joe Higgins

Our No Boundaries team visited and toured the Visual Comfort Group Warehouse in Skokie in February.  The Warehouse Manager, Scott Christman, gave us a tour of their warehouse and the President, Joe…

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Q&A with Joe T

Joe Torricelli

Joe originally found Search through our No Boundaries  program and then connected with our Career Services team. In October 2018, we were able to help him secure his new full-time job as a Pastry Assistant at Rivers Casino in Des Plaines!

We sat down for a short Q&A…

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