The JJs List Blog

Q&A with Keystone Alliance CEO, Greg Petersen

Search, Inc, the parent organization of JJ’s List, is part of the Keystone Alliance, a family of nonprofits with missions to support people with disabilities that work together. JJ’s List sat down with Keystone Alliance CEO, Greg Petersen, to ask him some questions about himself,…

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Katy W – Employee of the Month Blog

JJ’s List and Search Inc are so proud of Katy W for reaching her personal goal for 2022 and for being named Employee-of-the-Month!

Katy W

Sarah, Katy’s Job Coach, shared, “From the time of her interview to the present, the Chili’s management team and servers have…

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Why Growing Your Support Network Is a Must for Caregivers of Disabled Adults

By Beth Rush, Guest Blogger

Western culture celebrates independence almost to a fault. To many Americans, being self-reliant represents strength of character. Of all the cultural myths you grow up hearing, this one couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s rarely a good idea to go…

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What Disability Pride Means to Us

July is Disability Pride Month, a time for people with disabilities to celebrate their disabilities as integral parts of who they are; raise awareness; promote inclusion and belonging; to lift up the disability community.

This year, JJ’s List is joining the greater disability community in the…

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Career Services’ Stellar Year

By Robert Parkinson, Career Services Program Manager, Search, Inc.

Sarah Meyerson, Coordinator, Career Services

Sometimes it is just plain nice to look back over a year and see good things. The end of this past fiscal year (FY22) is one of those times!

With a recent past of…

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10 Tips for Dealing with Depression and Anxiety

By Sarah Armour, Business Assistant, JJ’s List

Courtesy of

According to the World Health Organization, the Covid-19 pandemic that we’ve been dealing with for the past two years triggered “…a 25% increase in the prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide.” Social isolation – having to isolate…

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Building Community Connections

Visibility Artists Jimmy and John with City Elementary students

Earlier this month, our Search Inc. Visibility Arts Artists volunteered their time and talent to mentor the students at City Elementary, a private specialty school in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood.

City Elementary was founded by a small group…

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Two Visibility Artists Showing in the Visible Invisible Art Exhibition in Evanston

Evanston community leaders, Indira Freitas Johnson, Fran Joy, and Lisa Degliantoni, are curating Visibly Invisible, an art exhibition that highlights the violence that many in our community deal with on a day-to-day basis. The exhibit runs from February 4th to March 14th at Evanston’s Noyes…

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Grateful for the Partnership Between Search and Oak Point University

By Jackie Rovner, Division Director of Clinical Services, Search Inc.

Oak Point University Nursing Students

Search staff and individuals are incredibly grateful for the partnership we have established with Oak Point University! Nursing students from the university participate in a six-week, hands-on, clinical rotation at our Adult Learning…

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Losing Season, Winning Team

By Tricia Luzadder, Manager, JJ’s List

Anna at the gate at Gallagher Way

Like many, if not most, Chicago Cubs fans, I was disappointed with the way the 2021 season went for the Northsiders. However, as a disability advocate and parent of a young woman with Down…

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