The JJs List Blog

5 Athletes to Watch at the 2014 Winter Paralympic Games

It’s that time again. The time when the best athletes in the world gather in one place to celebrate the best aspects of sport and humanity. Yes, it’s the Olympics–Winter Olympics, of course. But it’s not just the regular Olympics we’re interested in. We’ve got…

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What is Success? Challenging the Comfort Zone

Success has different meanings depending on who you ask. Like everyone else, locating a job in today’s economy is a challenge for me.  Trying to find the right fit for someone with certain abilities or talents can be hard, but that is just a matter…

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D.Fish at

Five Tips To Get LinkedIn

One thing that’s been sorely missing in my job search is NETWORKING. That’s what I learned last week when Dave J.P. (D. Fish) Fisher of RockStar Consulting visited our team at No Boundaries and D. Fish works with corporate managers to help them make…

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Oak Wealth Advisors Logo

More Than A Job


October was National Disability Employment Awareness Month, and many of us focused our energy on expanding the recruitment and hiring of individuals with disabilities. However, we should acknowledge employment of people with disabilities as much more than a source of economic benefit.

Individuals with disabilities want…

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TimeLine Theatre

TimeLine Theatre Makes Accessibility A Priority

Sheila Fox Tam (right) pictured with Lara Goetsch, Director of Marketing & Communications for Timeline Theatre

TimeLine Theatre sets the stage for a disability-aware theater experience.

As a person who personally struggles with a significant bilateral hearing loss, going out to see a live show often times…

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10 Tips to “Age in Place”

More and more people are thinking about designing their home “to age in place” so that their house will accommodate changes that may occur over time.

The following tips can help you live longer independently and safely at home:

Handrail rails in stairways for better balance with… Read More >

Customer Service Ladder

Customer Service: Businesses Must Evolve for People With Disabilities

Disability is something that can affect anyone. Some people are born with disabilities whereas others can become disabled for a variety of reasons including illness and accidents. Sometimes this can even be a result of medical negligence or a brain injury. I think it’s fair…

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Eric Lindstrom

Employment And Disability: What I’ve Learned

Diane of New Foundation Center working

As we enter National Disability Employment Awareness Month, I have to stop and reflect on what I’ve learned about employment opportunities for individuals with mental illness, the depth of the human spirit and what it means to be courageous.  I…

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Tablets, Books and eReaders

Smart or Greedy: The Lack of Accessibility Features on eReaders

A smart move, or a missing link in the chain? In recent weeks, e-reader manufacturers Amazon, Kobo, and Sony filed a joint petition to the FCC to exempt e-readers from complying with accessibility laws for the disabled. Their argument is that adding e-readers to the…

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Making Music Accessible to Everyone

"Notes from the Heart" Woodlands Foundation Music Camp 2012 Ensemble Class

Being a musician has given me a place to belong.

I was born with a disability and use a wheelchair. Playing my violin has given me an identity as a musician rather than just “the girl…

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