The JJs List Blog

Foundation Funded Trainings Experience Success

The Disability Awareness Players had another record-breaking year in Fiscal Year 2017! Disability Awareness Players at Lincoln Elementary School in Highland Park

Overall 40+ Disability Awareness Trainings were provided to over 2,600 people in the most recent year. A recent grant from the Reva & David…

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Workshops Have Team Hopping

Pace Suburban Bus Training Team, Ed and Bridget

Pace Suburban Bus and JJ’s List Training Teams have been busy with the Hop on the Bus to Independence Workshops throughout the Chicagoland area. Just this month the team has been to Lincolnshire, Orland Park, Elgin, Aurora and many…

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Hello JJ’s List Community!

Tricia Luzadder, Ventures Program Manager

I am very happy to be writing you from JJ’s List and Search! My name is Tricia Luzadder and I am the new Ventures Programs Manager at Search’s Evanston site. While I am new in this role, I am not entirely…

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Plant a Seed and Watch It Grow

Disability Awareness Players Build Diversity and Inclusion

When we started training companies and organizations to welcome customers and employees with disabilities through disability awareness, we didn’t realize that the Players were helping to plant the seed for something equally important: including people with disabilities in volunteerism…

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Launching My Career


A guest blog by Kate Hilbrant
Many individuals have benefited from No Boundaries since the program began, and have gone on to have successful careers. One individual is Kate Hilbrant of Winnetka, IL. With training and support from No Boundaries staff and mentors, Hilbrant recently landed…

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Wheelchair Bowling:  Do Wheelchairs belong in Bowling Alleys?

A Wheeling, IL Bowling Alley Reportedly Says Wheelchairs Don’t Belong.

Recently, a special education teacher posted a review on JJ’s about Pinheads Jeffery Lanes in Wheeling, IL, saying that the manager denied her a reservation for her school group because the wheels of a wheelchair user…

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Julia on Sesame Street and the Disability Awareness Players

A guest blog by Bill Sitter

At we always say, “When you have met one person with a disability, you have met one person with a disability.” It’s all about focusing on the person as an individual who is part of a group rather than as an…

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What the Heck is Person First Language?

Simply put, person-first language is a way of talking with or about disability that focuses on the person first and the disability second, if at all.  It’s easy! And it makes a difference in effectively connecting with your co-workers and employees who have disabilities.  


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Deaf Students Learn to Take Public Transportation

Bridget at one of the Hop on the Bus Trainings

When a class of deaf and hard of hearing students boarded a public bus recently, they got a surprise.  Bridget, a disability self-advocate, who was there to train them spoke her lines in sign language!

The students…

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Forest Preserves of Cook County Learns About Disability Awareness

Last week was a busy one for our Disability Awareness Players as they did not one, but THREE trainings for the Forest Preserves of Cook County at the Brookfield Zoo. Everyone had a great two days, and even got to spend some time at the…

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