The JJs List Blog

Favorite Memories from 2019

Posted by on December 18, 2019 - 1 Comment

As 2019 comes to a close, we asked  Ignite and No Boundaries program participants, Disability Awareness Players and staff what their favorite memory of 2019 was. We share some of those with our readers below:  

Sarah with Maine East students

Sarah: My favorite memory was doing the Reviews for Change Workshop at Maine East High School in November. I enjoyed teaching the students and teachers about The students were fun to work with and I was excited to do the workshop solo which gave me more self-confidence.  

John V: One of my favorite  memories from this year is being a Disability Awareness Player and going to different organizations like the CTA to present. Another one was doing Vis Arts with Tina. I learned how to work with water colors and create ink prints. 

Ignite celebrating the holiday season

Nazim: I loved riding the CTA on our outings to Millennium Park, Chinatown, and Taste of Chicago. It’s fun for me. and I love hearing the noises under the tracks.  

Pam: My favorite memories are exploring Evanston on quiet walks and going to cafes, like Bagel Art, with my friends at Ignite. I loved meeting a Jack Russell in a nearby park.  

Maria: My two favorite memories from 2019  are going on a Search for Adventure and a recent Ignite outing in downtown Chicago. I went to Minnesota, where I got to stay in a hotel, visit Prince’s house, and shop at the Mall of America. At Ignite we took the train downtown  to look at the Macy’s windows, Christmas lights and Christmas Tree. We also got to see Santa.  

Henry: I have a lot of favorite memories. One is celebrating my one year work anniversary at Jewel. Another is going on a Search for Adventure to New York City and seeing the Sonny and Cher Broadway show. A third is being part of the Search Squad and playing basketball, snowshoeing, and running track. Getting a new housemate is another highlight from 2019.

Becky: Learning how to order food online and the Halloween party.  I got to play the scariest game ever and I got to eat a great helping of treats. I wasn’t afraid to show my costume and I am happy I got to meet new people.  

Billy: Favorite memory is when audience members at Disability Awareness Trainings asked questions and we all could be ourselves.  

Tokens of kindness from Sunset Ridge Elementary

Abbie: I have so many good ones, but one that really stands out to me is when we went to Sunset Ridge Elementary in Northfield. The kids decorated rocks for us. It was a very nice way of welcoming us to their school.  

John: Going to O’Hare Airport to do a Disability Awareness Training. I think this was my favorite because it was something that we have never done before.   

Disability Awareness Players at Chiaravalle Montessori

Anton: One of my favorite moments of Disability Awareness Training (DAT) was going to Chiaravalle Montessori because the students were very involved in the role playing and did an outstanding, enthusiastic job.   

Brian: My favorite memory as a JJsList Disability Awareness Player in 2019 was when an Oak Lawn library staff member approached me to tell me she also studied Geography in school. We each shared our passion for studying and analyzing maps and we talked about the advancement in technology that has revolutionized the way we make maps.   

Matt: My favorite memories are of getting to know Jenny and Tricia better and talking about elevator pitches and how to interview. 

Jenny: Some of my favorite memories are from going out in the community and visiting businesses, like the lighting warehouse, the financial services office, the dance studio, and the PAC Store.  I also love working with NB participants to help them figure out what kind of job they’d like to find, and how to prepare for applying for a job, like elevator pitches, mock interviews, and resume writing. 

Michaela: My favorite was visiting Evanston Dance Center and Yogaview. And seeing that they both had office settings! I never thought they would have to do office work.  

Tricia: Dancing with Ignite during our No Boundaries modules !


1 Comment

Sharon Purdy says:
Dec 23, 2019

Wow! So many wonderful adventures and fun memories. Thank you for sharing your stories. You are all making such a difference in our community.

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