Review Omaha Healing Arts Center
This business has 1 positive and 0 negatives.
Omaha Healing Arts Center Image

Omaha Healing Arts Center

Not A JJ's List Disability-Aware Business Yet
Category: Health Care/Therapy
Phone number: (402) 345-5078
Location: 1216 Howard Street, Omaha, NE 68102
Review Omaha Healing Arts Center
This business has 1 positive and 0 negatives.
9:23pm 04/11/11

I love the people at Om Center. (Reviewed by an occupational therapist). There is no wheelchair access to the lower or upper level where most of the individual services (which are STELLAR) take place; the person at the front desk said that Om Center would try to accommodate and have the services available on the main level for persons needing access; the restroom has grab bars but is slightly limited in space due to other items in the bathroom (which could be heavy to move); I do think the people would be open to adjusting if they knew ahead of time. The front door is not automatic. There was no wheelchair accessible parking close that I could remember (and it is downtown parking...aka crazy, at meters, off of the brick street).

Disability Awareness:   Welcoming, Flexible service, Tough call, changes would be helpful (environmentall) but the service seemed willing to accomodate.