The JJs List Blog

Gain Workplace Skills at Work

Justice at Hewn

I work at Hewn. I started in August, to practice my workplace skills in order to help me find future jobs. Hewn makes “hand forged artisan bread” and is located a couple stores down from No Boundaries. No Boundaries is a program that I attend…

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Park Yourself On This Parklet

I recently bought a bagel from Bagel Art and walked by the different boutiques on Dempster Street in Evanston, IL trying to figure out where to sit during my lunch break. My feet were tired but I was resisting the urge to go back inside…

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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Evanston’s First Parklet

Evanston is building its first parklet! We decided to ask the force behind the Evanston parklet, Hewn owners Julie Matthei and Ellen King, to tell us more about the green space to be built on the parking space in front of their bakery. Here are a…

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Business Pitches First Evanston Parklet

Hewn in Evanston, IL

There are parklets everywhere, but not one in Evanston, Illinois.  The bakery Hewn has teamed up with the City of Evanston to change that.  Located a few stores away from and No Boundaries, we are frequent visitors of the bakery. Like…

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