The JJs List Blog

5 Tips for Traveling with Pace

By Ed Madden, Coordinator for Public Outreach, Pace Suburban Bus 

Pace Suburban Fixed-Route Bus

Everyone needs to get from place to place safely, but sometimes the “how” can be more challenging. For many, public transportation is a great way to get around. However, the process can feel…

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Frequently Asked Questions about ADA Paratransit Service

The Role of Your Driver

By Ed Madden, Coordinator for Public Outreach, Pace Suburban Bus

As an outreach professional for Pace Bus, I am often asked about the role of our ADA paratransit drivers. I have found that not all riders have an accurate idea of exactly…

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Hop on the Bus to Independence! is excited to continue working together with Pace Suburban Bus in 2019 to offer Hop on the Bus to Independence Workshops!  These FREE workshops help people with disabilities build skills to take public transportation. The Hop Team is already busy scheduling these fun and…

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