The JJs List Blog

Ask Adrian Anything

Posted by on September 12, 2018 - 8 Comments

Adrian Drower

Welcome back to “Ask Adrian Anything!” This is intended to give our readers an opportunity to communicate directly with  one of the No Boundaries participants, Adrian, about his experiences in the workplace, living independently and out in the community.  It will be conducted in an interview format with Tricia asking the questions provided by you, our readers!

Please feel free to leave more questions in the comments or contact us on Twitter @JJsList or through Facebook!

Q. It’s been a long time since you’ve written.  Can you tell me what you have been doing since you last posted?

A.  The last time I wrote on my “Ask Adrian Anything” blog was over two years ago.  I am still working part-time at The Fine Line. I’ve been employed there for over 3 years! A relative of mine is building a house for his family and is getting tile from The Fine Line! Outside of work, I’ve continued to write and have added 100 poems to my writing blog.  I’ve also been helping my 11 year old second cousin learn to appreciate incredible music.

And I celebrated my 30th birthday!

QWere you nervous when you started  your job at the Fine Line?  What advice can you give to someone starting something new like a job, volunteer position or even a new social group?

Adrian at The Fine Line

A. Yes I was nervous, but who wouldn’t be?  Being nervous about anything is a great reminder that we are all human.  The best advice I can give to someone about being nervous is, think of being nervous as a way of being safe.  If you’re a little on edge, you are probably not going to take serious risks right away. It’s almost like a safety net, you’re looking for ways to protect yourself.  So whenever you feel nervous, remember to breathe and start small. Sometimes small steps can lead to bigger and better things. Life’s a balancing act between doing things on your own and being part of a team.  Yes, it’s nice to do things by yourself, but it’s just as good working with a team.

Q. Can you give examples of how you work as a team at the Fine Line?

A. The job I have involves working alone and together.  Labeling and putting together sample cards I do on my own. When there are big projects like deep cleaning, I work with the team. Everyone pitches in.  My co-workers go through everything and sort it out.  Then I come in and throw it all away.  We all work together moving everything from the lower level up to the back.  When sample boxes need to be assembled,  I start things out by getting the sample cards together.  Then my coworkers step in to putting all the materials together in a presentable manner.

Adrian sharing his poetry at No Boundaries

Adrian is has worked part-time at The Fine Line for the past three years. In addition to work, Adrian is a regular participant in the No Boundaries, Train for Life/Train for Work program, and an active member in the writing group HeartWords at The Center for Independent Futures.  In his free time Adrian writes and publishes poetry on his own blog and stays active with a regular workout routine.


Click here to read an earlier edition of Ask Adrian Anything



Pam says:
Sep 21, 2018

What makes you write beautiful poetry?
How do you know how to do this?

Henry Davis says:
Sep 21, 2018

How do you like your job?
What do you do on the weekends?

John V says:
Sep 21, 2018

How did you get the job at the Fine Line?
Do you like it?

Henry Davis says:
Sep 21, 2018

Where do you live? With your mom and dad or in a group home? If you live in a CILA do you like it?

Do you like your job at the Fine LIne?

ignite says:
Sep 21, 2018

The Ignite group read your blog and thought it was very cool. We want to read more of your poetry.
Would you consider reading some more poems to us sometime?

Pat says:
Sep 24, 2018

Hi Adrian

Do you like to read?
If so, can you tell me about the book you are reading now?

David Thompson says:
Oct 15, 2018

What is you and your second cousin’s definition of “incredible music?” I have to admit that one music group I considered “incredible music” in my youth is the band Rush, with Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, and Neil Peart. That being said, if you listen to a lot of genres of music, or for that matter, perform a lot of music, “incredible music” can mean practically anything.

Julie says:
Oct 22, 2018

Hi Adrian,
The boys really want another pet – something other than a dog. What pets have you had and which did you most enjoy?

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