The JJs List Blog

Foundation Funded Trainings Experience Success

The Disability Awareness Players had another record-breaking year in Fiscal Year 2017! Disability Awareness Players at Lincoln Elementary School in Highland Park

Overall 40+ Disability Awareness Trainings were provided to over 2,600 people in the most recent year. A recent grant from the Reva & David…

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Julia on Sesame Street and the Disability Awareness Players

A guest blog by Bill Sitter

At we always say, “When you have met one person with a disability, you have met one person with a disability.” It’s all about focusing on the person as an individual who is part of a group rather than as an…

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Social Security Administration Says “No” to the R-word

Three years after Obama signed Rosa’s Law, the SSA will replace “mental retardation” with “intellectual disability.”

This move by The Social Security Administration to use appropriate terminology in its communications is a response to pressure from many in the disability community, including JJ’s List to change…

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two apples discuss person first language

Person First Language 101

Person First Language: Are You In the Habit?
Why Use Person First Language?

At JJ’s List, we believe that what we say influences how we think. What we think influences how we behave. When we use person first language (also known as people first language), we send…

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Kristyn and Tim practice networking with Terry, Kim and Jane

Disability Awareness Training at GSB

I have been working with JJ’s List and I always find myself learning about their presentations and workshops in which they present to different communities all over. In fact on February 17,  2012 the JJ’s List Disability Awareness Players went over to Glenview State Bank,…

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The Future of Vulnerable Citizens

In late January, President Obama spoke to the nation, outlining his hopes and plans for the future of the US in the perennial presidential State of the Union address. It was a very ambitious speech that touched on quite a few topics. 

One of those topics… Read More >